Sunday, November 9, 2008

Small Town Features....small town fair...cont.

Did any of you hear that Clifford the Big Red Dog was to be at the fairgrounds on Saturday?!?!?!
Do you see him here in the photo?

This was the first ride of the day chosen by JOC.

This was JOC after the ride..."just a little dizzy"...ya think? I can't hardly even watch a ride like this without getting nauseous. I am amazed that folks would pay for the experience!

MLC and Mom watching the animal show.
We were equally amazed! MLC's review of the show:
"It was cool...very cool!"

The first ride to get MLC's attention was this one.
It was his first fair ride ever. Before the ride started
he became very concerned because he
could not find the keys. Once the ride started he was

I'll just say, this is one of my favorite pictures.

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