Thursday, February 18, 2010

Our Snowy Day

Significant, because the last snow worth mentioning fell back in 1993 and melted by 11am! 

Considering that that if I did the math correctly, my man clan may be out of the house before we get snow like this again in 16 years!  So, I took the day off and played all day. 

Snow ball fights at our city square 

Hunting down snow men...


 finally built their own snowman...the best these cold fingers could do...needed to go home for some warming!

 the snow even brought dads home from work early

If there is lovin to be had this little man will be there...even in a snow storm:-)
By the way, I was really missing my hat...the mother love in me let the boy in the yellow coat use it!!!  Brr...I did not stay out long for that photo op!

There are more pictures to come!  Hope you enjoyed a little glimpse of our real winter weather:-) 
It truly made a very memorable day! 

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