Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2012 in review

Several years have passed since we have taken the time to chronicle the years events.  This year has been rather momentous and life changing...thinking we would be remiss to miss this opportunity to share what great things the Lord has done on our behalf.

The Lord works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform.  2012 has proved us in innumerable ways, while at the same time proving His goodness, His graciousness, His perfect peace, His faithfulness, His love for, us, His children. During this year we have endured the taste of grief with the passing of Eddie’s father, my father-in-law and the hero of our children.  We have endured  the awkward dance of unemployment and the accompanying emotional avalanche it so often produces.  Relinquishing control of the household duties was no small feat...”surrender” being my own life lesson of 2012.  Living in the fog of what’s called night shift fatigue has taught us that a word fitly spoken is like “apples of gold in pitchers of silver”(Psalms 25:11).  Timing and rest being needed prior to tackling life’s issues.   All of us this year requiring a greater dose of love and grace.

Being that Eddie’s ten year 100 mile commute to work ended, means we have lived together this whole year under the same roof....Eddie home at bedtime...Eddie still pastoring.  This year has afforded him the opportunity to do some home projects like building an amazing picnic table, compost bin, a trellis and steps between the breezeway and garage...a much needed addition to our home that had been lacking for the past 50+ years:-)  As these boys of ours mature,  MLC (6), JOC (11),  and EDC now 13 …emerging into manhood and so in need of their father...the Lord’s timing for Eddie being home more has not been missed.

Watching this metamorphosis of boy into manhood has been such an awe inspiring process.  Excitement over chin hair, abs and pects have the youngers of the man clan anticipating their turn.  The greater lessons of character and mastering rather than being the course of everyday living, stirring in church, homework, music and sports...makes for a very busy full life.

 This letter cannot close without sharing that in November of this year Eddie has began employment with Home Source International, a job that the Lord has provided.  I remain employed at our local Family Birth Center. In the spring, Rebecca took a job near her Grandmother, Eddie's mother.  They have enjoyed their special time with each other.  Her new job also afforded her the opportunity of meeting a young man that as her daddy puts it...she has grown rather fond of...they are now engaged! 

We are testimony to the fact that the Lord is faithful and never forsakes His own.  As the psalmist reflected in his old age..he had never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread. Psalm 37:25.  Not only does He provide, but His provision is bountiful and in due time....just as He in due time provided us redemption through His Son. In 2013, may you relish His goodness in your life, finding solace in His character during times of difficulty and rejoicing that His mercy endures forever!

Main Street Mom and Man Clan

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